How to Claim Health Insurance in The Hospital? What is the Process for This?

If you have got health insurance for yourself or any member of your family and if the person who had health insurance is admitted in the hospital, then you have to make a claim for your health insurance.

And if you do not know how to claim health insurance in the hospital, then today through this article I will give you this information so that you can understand well how to claim health insurance in the hospital.

Because unless you know this information, then you will not be able to avail the benefits of health insurance and even if you have health insurance, you will remain helpless and will not be able to avail the benefits of this insurance, so let us know how to claim health insurance claim in the hospital

How to Claim Health Insurance in The Hospital?

As soon as you are admitted to the hospital, you have to inform the insurance company within 72 hours that you have been admitted to this hospital, otherwise there are insurance desks in all the hospitals.

How to Claim Health Insurance in The Hospital
How to Claim Health Insurance in The Hospital

After providing all your insurance information there, the hospital contacts the insurance company and whatever expenses the hospital incurs are directly reimbursed to the hospital by the insurance company.

But you have to do all this within 72 hours after admission, only then you can get the benefit of insurance, otherwise you will have to pay the cost of that treatment yourself.

But if your appointment was fixed that you are going to be admitted to the hospital on this date, then you can contact the insurance company 48 hours before the day of your admission and they will share all the reports there.

After sharing the report, the insurance company contacts the hospital and all the expenses incurred in the hospital are paid by the insurance company, hence you can contact 48 hours before admission.

Let us understand this with an example

There is a boy named Abhishek who had got health insurance in his father’s name. Now, if Abhishek’s father’s health suddenly deteriorates, then if he wishes, he can get his father admitted to any hospital.

As soon as Abhishek admits his father in the hospital, he has to contact the insurance company within 72 hours of the admission or you contact the insurance desk of the hospital, then all the expenses will be borne by the insurance company.

But if you do not remember that you had insured your father or you forget all this in a hurry, then in that situation you will not get any kind of benefit from the insurance company.

Some situations arise where you know in advance that you will be admitted to the hospital on a certain date. For example, if you are going to undergo an operation for some disease, you are told in advance that your operation will take place on that date.

Now, if you have come to know that the operation is going to be done on that date, then if you contact the insurance company 48 hours before the day of operation or go to the insurance desk of the hospital and submit all your documents, then you will get the insurance cover.

What Did You Learn Today From This Article 

Today through this blog I told you how to claim health insurance in the hospital and you must have got the answer that you can claim it by going to the insurance desk in the hospital or you can contact the insurance company.

We give you such information about health insurance on our website Jhar Insurance, by reading which you can learn a lot and after learning, you can collect a lot of information about health insurance.

If you liked this information about how to claim health insurance in the hospital, then share it with your friends who have got their health insurance done so that they can know and this information can be useful to them.

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